
Sunday, 27 November 2011

BB pin part 2

Malaysia only..

Pin:2342188 Addry Ezzry
Pin:23766BE0 sabri
Pin:284A049D tengkushaszrul
pin:2192E2A3 fatin
pin:2750EFE7 finie :)
Pin:229ED42F apih
Pin:218D409E kluang man
Pin:21FAAC28 lycha
pin:215B52CF hanif
Pin:284A049D tengku
Pin:26A7ED0A fie
Pin:2725FD16 nasrul
Pin:27949F37 fairul
Pin:27482DA3 eira
Pin:26A349E0 joi
pin:21F4A938 hafiz
Pin:23B9B001 anGah
Pin:221A8F50 amin
Pin:225A8CC2 rangga
Pin:22A9AF1E danial
pin:21253390 -akmal
Pin:2385BE18 JieJuan
pin:25EF17B9 hazmi
Pin:284A242A nur
pin:22A0DD37 afik
Pin:227c2122 bad
Pin:22506902 dyu
Pin:2563DA89 zie
Pin:20EB5287 amer
Pin:22525006 durryna
Pin:22973DB6 telr
Pin:2284d78b babyainz
Pin:22DE7AD7 Dany
Pin:21C8234D aQasha
Pin:227F2D98 farah lyana Pin:2284B322 Key
Pin:21EF289C balqisbellina
Pin:22A25C97 nizam Andy
Pin:25F2029C Kak juliana
Pin:21BB5F9C hermilia halias
Pin: 22ED0945 helmi
Pin:213711ED deen
Pin:27C37E8A shasha
Pin:20EA1683 haikal
Pin:2272B10D nana
Pin:280377FE ashiteru
Pin:221CD1FC zrin
Pin:27877DAA arikichiki
Pin:2300AC97 nawir
Pin:2158359E budak baik :D
Pin:26E5840F Farhan
Pin : 278D9537 Anita.
pin:26E5CF9C syafiqI'
Pin:2223E0F2 nurarisshaamanda <3. pin:26E621D4 mikqail ezraf
Pin:23BA7304 rahman
Pin:21F461BE Dan

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Blackberry OS

Update Your BlackBerry OS, All the posted link is Up-To-Date and download link is hosted locally for faster downloading purpose.

[List of OS Version]
9360 : - http://goo.gl/C4KkI
9700 : - http://goo.gl/iOmQk
9780 : - http://goo.gl/5lv7k
9800 : - http://goo.gl/8CZ4Z
9810 : - http://goo.gl/bSBvZ
9850 : - http://goo.gl/S92DL
9860 : - http://goo.gl/IE1DV
9900 : - http://goo.gl/W5rI3
9930 : - http://goo.gl/N6WBJ
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

BB pin part 2

Malaysia Only.!

Pin: 25FAD614 Alden :D
Pin:26DC11BD fajar
Pin:27CBC98E (tasya julieta)
Pin:239539C0 aliffdamieann
Pin :2108afdc Lena
Pin:210A4AD6 , FAez
Pin:25DD0A19 aisyu
Pin:21AF2D96 tengku intan nurshahira
Pin:2777FE69 -faris
Pin:26EBED98 - mena™ ♥
Pin:2263C014 - yuny
Pin:224C57FE. - ainin sofiya
Pin:21BD6934 - Amirul =-c
Pin:23BCFA08 -zyy huffman
Pin:21decc08 - aiman's
Pin:225044EA - azyym
Pin:26B10BC1 - iffaa nabilah
Pin:227DF1AE - annesajaa B)
Pin:2204907E - Radin Danial
Pin:21E5D030 Paan B)
Pin:310f2588 îð®ï§
Pin:22271D34 haziq
Pin : 271ca6b9 qem
Pin:22a98c57 jack
Pin:21374B67 erul
Pin:223B368D Nik Aliff
Pin:21D8444D moka. Pin:2141A088 Aiman Armani. pin:22626C85 acik. Pin:270E3D20..epul. Pin:21F80A577 Zie Is mail
Pin:230218A9 syawali
Pin:220F166B aboi
Pin:2701F2A5 syaddam
Pin:22225F89 miedo
Pin:25FF8154 haiqal manje.
Pin:2398F6B4 anis <3
Pin:22A2DAEB yaya bohari. pin:2294521D moshiteru*MY*
Pin:257492BE aty noradd(:D)
Pin:21F45229 Affy ;)
Pin:223B368D Aliff Corrigan 
Pin:2316B7D1 Irfan Razor *MY*
Pim:2730040B eca.adam. Pin:256E5046 danial izzat
pin:2592F100 Neo Macho B)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

BB pin artis

Paling Hot. Add pin artis kesukaan korang. Pin:271FE066 Aril AF
Pin:22BE539D Nubhan
Pin:2278325E mila AF
Pin:30B26595 Yasmin hani
Pin:234FE02A nabil
Pin:211FC698 Norkhiriah
Pin:27DBECA9 Zizan
Pin:22ED8486 Neolofa
Pin:26764139 Fasha Sandha
Pin:25F1CB0B Fahrin Ahmad Pin: 21EC3AF0 Nora Danish
Pin:27D73303 Khila Fairi
Pin:23853138 Norman hakim
Pin:24B2F5BA Meme
Pin:2296C15A Razak Mohiedin
Pin:217F6DCA Kamal Adli
Pin:22B60A7F Shah JaZle
Pin:2314BEE1 Fizo Omar
Pin:2746F035 Fauziah Ghaus
Pin:3056B753 Maimon mutalib
Pin:276C65DD Wan Maimunah
Pin:26e59dfb Amber Chia
Pin:277ECE99 Lisa Surihani
Pin:269747D6 Fara fauzana
Pin:2317AA8A Linda Onn
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Blackberry Playbook

To all Playbook Users : RIM yesterday announced in the BlackBerry Beta Zone that a new Tablet OS update for the BlackBerry PlayBook will be available ahead of the 2.0 release in February. According to John, BlackBerry Project Manager, this update only includes improvements and fixes. Here's what was posted in the Beta Zone:
Howdy folks!
I just wanted to let you know that we're working on an interim Tablet OS software update to precede the 2.0 release in February. It won't have any new features (we're still perfecting those!), but a good percentage of the content came from this community.
Here is a list of some of the included changes (should make some of you happy):
- Daylight Savings Time: updated some time zones
- Updated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi drivers improving co-existence and connectivity
- BlackBerry App World account payments reliability improvements
- Improvements to VPN connection reliability
- Addressed some scenarios where BlackBerry Desktop Software would not restore applications to the PlayBook
You'll see this update within a few weeks. I know some of you wanted more in the interim, but the focus is going into making things solid for 2.0. For what impact this community did have on this update, I thank you!
I can update this thread when it becomes available.  In the mean time, feel free to share your thoughts!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


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